Sherri Blum’s New Art Studio and Inspired Art Collection

While I’ve had a fortunate career creating gorgeous baby nurseries and whimsical nursery wall art to match over the past 20 years, I have so much more artwork within me that has been crying out to be put onto canvas for years now. I used to be so diligent about getting a new painting into production once a month. But that was many years ago. In the past four years, I’ve released only 4 new designs. We get busy…raising kids, running a business, cleaning the house, and well- just trying to keep up with family, friends, life. My passions have been put aside all too often these past few years. My paintings don’t get to spill out of my mind and onto the canvas.
I want to explore constantly and soak in the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of this life. It’s how I’m wired. I then think about how I can create something to capture how those experiences made me feel. I wish to bottle them up somehow and as an artist, the easiest way to do so is to paint the scene. I crave time for creativity DAILY. In fact every morning since I was a child, I’d wake and think “What will I create today if I have the time?” I tell people “Painting is my therapy.” And that statement is very true. With every stroke of my brush, all the worries of this life melt away and my mind hyper-focuses on the stroke before me. It’s extremely healthy for my very busy, empathic, and often anxious mind. If you’re a runner, weight lifter, cyclist, or whatever your passion is… think about how you feel when you don’t run for a day or worse yet, even a week. You begin to feel sad and you crave that “rush” that exploring your passions gives to your mind and body. Well all too often, I get caught up in the household chores and work and I don’t MAKE the time to paint. I lay my head on the pillow at night and sadness washes over me when I realize that yet another day went by without giving myself that gift. I put myself on the back burner all too often.

So upon return from my recent trip to Tuscany, I decided I’d let some of those chores sit and I’d finally MAKE time to create again. My goal is to dedicate time to painting at least two afternoons or evenings a week. So far, so good! I’ve got a new studio back on Pomfret Street, just a few doors down from my former studio. If you’ve not stopped in at The Pond ( 32 W Pomfret Street) to see the wonderful artists at work and to check out the Penny Gallery (awesome artist exhibits and a unique floor made completely of old pennies!), then you’re missing out on some of the best Carlisle, PA has to offer.
I’ll soon have four new designs posted for sale on my site. They’ll be offered in prints of various sizes and as greeting cards as well. These items are already for sale in my studio, but will soon be available in my online art boutique.
I’m also working on a series of original canvas paintings inspired by my recent trip to Tuscany Italy. I’m especially excited to work on these and will be in my studio this weekend for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. Please stop in to see what I’m working on and do some shopping for your family and friends. I have dozens of canvases, hand-hooked rugs and more available there.
Here are some photos of my new art studio in downtown Carlisle, PA. Please stop by Friday or Saturday to say hello!